How cobots are making a difference in the automotive and manufacturing sector

By Sougandh K.M., Country Manager of India, Universal Robots

In the manufacturing industry, robotics and automation are not new phenomena. For more than half a century, the automotive industry has been using industrial robots in a variety of manufacturing processes. The industry is amongst the earliest adopters of robotics and remains one of the highest adopters of robots. However, with the advancements in technology, the growth in the adoption of robots in the automotive sector has been witnessed across the globe. Over the years, robotics technology has evolved. Unlike the large and bulky machines often used in factories, robots are now available in compact sizes. Instead of integrating traditional industrial robots, manufacturers are introducing collaborative robots or in short “cobots” to automate their processes.

Cobots have presented lucrative new opportunities for car and automotive component makers. For decades, the automotive industry has been dependent on manual labor. For countries facing labor shortage challenges, cobots have become an ideal solution to assist manufacturers in ensuring operations continue to run smoothly despite the lack of manpower.

The processes in automotive manufacturing are repetitive and require accuracy. Human employees were tasked to work on such dull and monotonous activities. After working repetitively for a prolonged period of time, the level of precision and concentration declines, resulting in human errors or even product defects. Cobots are recognised for their ability to conduct tasks with precision. Unlike humans, cobots are capable of working 24/7 round the clock with precision and consistent productivity.

In addition, manufacturers who deployed traditional industrial robots are required to accommodate additional spaces for the integration of safety cages and fences. However, cobots are designed to work alongside human employees without safety cages (subjected to risk assessment). Hence, car makers need not invest hefty sums for the reconstruction of their factory infrastructure to integrate a cobot.

Since the adoption of automation, the automotive industry has seen tremendous growth. A Mordor Intelligence report revealed that the automotive robotics market was valued at USD 9.92 billion in 2021, and is anticipated to reach USD 18.15 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 10.60% during the forecast period (2022 – 2027). Cobots have ensured increased production output, lower production times, improved quality, and reduced workplace injuries. The multiple benefits of cobots allow manufacturers to deploy this perfect man-machine collaboration for different applications

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