RSA, The Security Division of EMC, has announced the findings of its May 2012 Fraud Report, ranking India among the top four countries targeted for phishing attacks on brands. 50% of all phishing attacks worldwide in April were on brands present in the US, UK, Australia and India.
April 2011 also saw an 86% increase in the total number of global phishing attacks as compared to the previous month, with a total of 35,558 unique phishing attacks identified by RSA globally.
As per RSA’s AFCC May 2012 report, Citadel Trojan’s fourth upgraded version is available in the market. Citadel Trojan is based on Zeus Code and it has functions beyond that of any other crimeware kit to date. Citadel is the only commercial malware in the cybercrime arena being aggressively marketed to criminals and is a crimeware kit to be reckoned with in 2012. RSA noticed a 20% rise in the use of Citadel in the Trojan attacks that were detected between March-April 2012.