Keypoint adds predictive imagery for better information discovery on mobile

The Intenticons will help and guide the Xploree user in multiple ways, like even as the user types “Flight” – a pop-up image of Tour operator Intenticoncan suggest flight deals

Keypoint Technologies has added a new feature -Intenticons to the Xploree keyboard gallery. With Intenticons, Xploree promises to deliver a novel mobile discovery experience to its users. This new age feature merges users’ conversational context with predictive imagery. These images – Intenticons –are predictive visual manifestation of users’needs even as the latter gesture, converse or type on the keyboard.

The images have been pieced together on the guiding principle of making information discovery on mobile more purposeful, sorted, and self-explanatory during the conversation. The Intenticons illustrate the combination of intents and imaginative icons through pre-defined images.The Intenticons will help and guide the Xploree user in multiple ways, like even as the user types “Flight” – a pop-up image of Tour operator Intenticoncan suggest flight deals, or as the user chats about food – Grocery Intenticoncan help him/her find nearby grocery options. As of now KeyPoint has introduced Intenticons across 150 categories covering food, restaurant, grocery, fashion and travel.

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