EC Buzz | Artificial Intelligence Will Make Marketing More Creative And Effective

AI can free up a lot of the marketers’ time, currently spent on mundane tasks, so that they focus on what they do best—be creative, think, ideate and innovate.

All of us have heard about driverless cars, automated machines, bots and virtual assistants, even if we don’t fully understand what these terms mean. All of these are manifestations of self-learning algorithms, smart technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). The application of these technologies is no longer just limited to sci-fi movies and erudite research papers. Directed by data-driven insights from these powerful technologies, traditional decision-making by experienced professionals is slowly being transformed. Let’s take a look, then, at this metamorphosis that AI is ushering in across business functions such as marketing.

AIArtificial IntelligenceCreativeECBuzzmarketingMLtechnology
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