is a video analytics startup focused on data collection for retail and improving security and compliance of establishments using CCTV cameras and artificial intelligence. “We initiated operations in October 2018, and within a short period, we bagged a prestigious clientele comprising of companies in manufacturing, retail and hospitality,” says Arush Kakkar, Founder, Significantly, to combat the Covid-19 crisis, the company has developed a need of the hour, fever detection screening solution.
- Arush Kakkar, Founder,
“It is a thermal sensor-based detection system that is capable of scanning a large number of people from a distance of up to 20 meters. The camera comes with a ready to use plug and play system which can be set up within 10 minutes,” states Kakkar, adding that one of the key advantages of the product is that it can examine 80-100 people in one minute, considering the fact that it scans the body temperature within a fraction of seconds.
“Since it eliminates the need to stop and scan each person individually it ensures fast data collection,” mentions Kakkar, further informing that his company is in the process of developing other technologies like enforcing social distancing through CCTV cameras, mask/PPE detection kits.
Explaining the technology behind the fever detection system developed by , he says, “The technology uses a combination of thermal camera processing, artificial intelligence and face recognition to detect body temperature of multiple humans at the same time. This significantly eliminates the detection of false positives from other objects having a high temperature.”
The target customer segments in the current scenario, are businesses that involve major public movements, like airports, hospitals, offices, coworking spaces, public transit, and railway stations, among others. “We are creating awareness through advertising and channel partnerships, but the initiative is gaining major traction through word of the mouth as this is a new and unique concept, which is helping businesses to plan a comeback with effective measures and further serve the economy,” shares Kakkar.
Speaking about future strategy, Kakkar points out that they have partnerships in place for expanding into different geographies, and are looking to hire more people to improve and constantly modify their technology that will add value to the existing products.
Agrex is aggressively involved in providing retail solutions like video analytics, security and defence solutions like land monitoring devices, face recognition, satellite imagery analysis, etc.