Our lessons from the Covid 19 crisis: Rajeev Agrawal, Founder & CEO, Innoviti Payment Solutions

Rajeev Agrawal, Founder & CEO, Innoviti Payment Solutions, shares his thoughts on how his firm has ensured business continuity in the midst of the crisis

To ensure business continuity in the time of all employees having to work remotely we had taken a few measures. To begin with, we had conducted a few dry runs of work from home to ensure there are no challenges that might arise later on. We also set up network fallbacks and allowed our employees to have access to all organization tools remotely. This has helped us conduct our business seamlessly.

We have faced a few challenges when it comes to discipline and log in times. There’s also the issue of tracking activities that have been done for the day.

Lessons learnt
Throughout the last two weeks, we have learned that a daily task based scheduling works very well, sometimes it’s even more productive than coming to the office. Also, offering employees the choice and flexibility of time actually allows a longer overlap.

We are using a host of tools that allows seamless collaboration across locations and teams. Zoom and audio conferencing have been especially helpful to conduct meetings and huddles. We are also using cloud tools such as SFA and Freshdesk to ensure smooth functioning.

Working from home has been quite efficient. We always had a remote working policy but it was implemented only on exception, but now we can be more liberal. We have also noticed that our people are also less tired and more enthusiastic to work due to the travel time being cut down.

Covid-19Innoviti Payment Solutions
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  • Amrita Malik


    You didn’t mention about the lesson that we can layoff a significant chunk of our employees due to our mismanagement of investor funds and cover it up as the COVID slowdown. Shows how much we care about the people who work for us
