eGovWatch: Online and mobile based communities formed for disaster management

In order to improve disaster management and emergency response at a local level for any kind of disasters like train accidents, natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, fire, etc. or emergencies faced by communities or citizens, online and mobile based local communities have been formed for 100 districts across India over the last month.

The initiative brought together by the Ministry of Railways, IRCTC and Local Circles is aimed at creating easily accessible online and mobile based Disaster/Emergency Response ecosystem in every district of India so in case of a disaster/emergency, help can be quickly mobilized and information can be easily disseminated.

Over 100,000 citizens have already been connected within the last month across 100 districts of India and soon other stake holders like NDMA, State Disaster Management Units, District Magistrate, District Police, Blood Banks, Hospitals, NGOs will be invited to join their district’s respective Disaster/Emergency response circle. Over the next one year, the connectivity will be extended to all 600 or so districts of India.

Within minutes of the earthquake at noon on Saturday, April 25th, information was broadcasted in the North India Emergency Response circles followed by detailed Earthquake Do’s and Don’ts. The information came in handy for citizens during the follow on tremors on Saturday and Sunday. A large number of citizens across the 100 district circles appreciated the timely information delivered on their mobile phones and e-mails.

In almost all instances of disasters/emergencies, it is the local people that can assist the fastest. So, be it a train accident, an earthquake or someone needing blood, connecting the citizens at a local level with each other and the authorities for emergency response is the sole objective of this initiative.

Anyone who wishes to join their District’s Disaster/Emergency Response circle may register via the Internet or mobile phone at and using Find a Circle option, search for EMERGENCY and submit a request to join their District’s circle. Once approved, they will be connected with other residents in their district.

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