A significantly diverse set of knowledge, abilities, and technologies are required for cloud security: Sreeni Venugopal, Group CIO & CISO, KIMSHEALTH

More organizations are moving away from on-premise computing solutions and towards cloud-based services. The reasons for this shift include cost savings, scalability, improved security, and increased flexibility.

While cloud computing offers many benefits, it also presents new security challenges that organisations must be aware of and address. Sreeni Venugopal, Group CIO & CISO, KIMSHEALTH speaks to Express Computer about how the new normal has shifted the strategies and also highlights some of the key security challenges when moving from on-premise to cloud specially in healthcare.

“The emphasis of being on-prem, where organizations were more concerned with assuring the protection of our global security.

Since we now have data in the cloud, we are concentrating on how it relates to healthcare in particular. How do you safeguard our patients’ private medical data that is currently stored in the cloud or may do so in the future?” he says.

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