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Govt launches online platform e-HRMS for employees to access all service details

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An online platform has been launched for central government employees to apply for leave and access their service-related information. Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh launched the electronic-Human Resource Management System (e-HRMS) as the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions observed Good Governance Day.

“With launch of e-HRMS, employees will be able to not only see all their details with respect to service book, leave, GPF, salary, etc. but also apply for different kind of claims/reimbursements, loan/advances, leave, leave encashment, LTC advances, tour etc. on a single platform,” the statement by the personnel ministry said. Employees shall not be dependent on the administration for updating data. They may themselves update it with their login subject to verification, it said.

“They will be able to track status and match details instantly. The system is designed in a way to obtain all management-related inputs/reports through its dashboard and all pendency of data updating as well as claims will be seen online by senior authorities that will instill more responsibility and accountability among all government servants,” the statement said.

This is a step in the direction of a fully automated human resource management system with a target to bring all government employees on employee portal so that all processes of personnel management from hiring to retiring will be on digital platform and manual system of handling personnel management will be dispensed with, it said. The e-service book, which carries all service-related details of an employee, launched for the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) in March will also be integrated into the e-HRMS, the statement said. The minister launched 25 applications of five modules of the system.

The five modules include personal information system which has functionalities of self-updating by employees and the one for claiming and subsequent sanctioning of all kind of leaves. The third module is on the Leave Travel Concession (LTC), loan/advances— where all kind of loan and advances can be claimed, sanctioned and paid through — and on tours that allow submission of a tour-related application and sanctioning of travel allowance advances. “The availability of online data of employees will help the organisation to take many administrative decisions easily like planning of recruitments, posting of officials to a task as per their experience and qualification, easily available online to the administration,” according to the statement.

It will also help employees to concentrate more on public service once free from personal anxiety of getting their work done, it said. “That will enhance public delivery and more employees will be available for the core work of the government,” the statement said. The availability of centralized data will enable government for policy research and planning as such educational qualifications and other competencies and deficiencies may be easily obtained, it said. “It will enable government to take transfer and posting decisions more pragmatically based on reliable first hand data,” the statement read.

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